Brand Protection & Anti Counterfeiting Solutions

Enable trust in your products by building your own customized anti counterfeit solutions for product authentication with the QCody Platform.

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Deploy Authentication & Anti Counterfeit Solutions

Alternatively, all products registered within the QCody Platform are assigned a unique digital identifier and unique web URLs or GS1 Digital Link format URLs. When encoded within a printed 2D code / serialized QR code, they can be used to authenticate a registered product. The platform also offers the flexibility to configure additional rules such as limiting the number of scans for each individual QR code or using scan location to flag items with suspicious scan activity and further enhance the authentication logic. This is better suited to high volume, lower price margin product categories where cost is a considerable factor.

Easy way to verify your product.

Alternatively, all products registered within the QCody Platform are assigned a unique digital identifier and unique web URLs or GS1 Digital Link format URLs. When encoded within a printed 2D code / serialized QR code, they can be used to authenticate a registered product. The platform also offers the flexibility to configure additional rules such as limiting the number of scans for each individual QR code or using scan location to flag items with suspicious scan activity and further enhance the authentication logic. This is better suited to high volume, lower price margin product categories where cost is a considerable factor.

Easy way to verify your product.

Alternatively, all products registered within the QCody Platform are assigned a unique digital identifier and unique web URLs or GS1 Digital Link format URLs. When encoded within a printed 2D code / serialized QR code, they can be used to authenticate a registered product. The platform also offers the flexibility to configure additional rules such as limiting the number of scans for each individual QR code or using scan location to flag items with suspicious scan activity and further enhance the authentication logic. This is better suited to high volume, lower price margin product categories where cost is a considerable factor.

Easy check for consumers.No special app download required

Serialize every product with a unique digital product ID

Choose unclonable secure NFC tags with random changing keys or simple serialized printed QR codes

Enable consumers to report suspicious activity or share feedback

Completely configurable, architect-ed to scale & can be integrated with other systems within the organization​

Configure Robust Anti Counterfeiting Solutions & Product Authentication with the QCody Platform

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product solutions today!

Data Model Designer​

Entity Creator​

Digital Interaction Engine​​

Custom API Designer​​

Dashboard Configurator​

Build Track and Trace & Product Traceability Applications

Build your own track and trace software or product traceability system tailored specifically for your organization with the QCody Platform.